Delivering The Perfect Avocado Requires A Dedicated Team
GreenFruit is truly about people… Sure in the end, we deliver one of the tastiest, healthiest treats to come to the kitchen.
Although the phrase farm to table sounds breezy and simple, in actuality, this simple feat requires an orchestra of team players to shepherd
our avocados through every step of the journey.
We grow The Perfect Avocado
We look forward to working together, please contact us
with your requirements.
GreenFruit Avocados
20371 Irvine Ave Suite 200,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Main Line +1 (949) 251-0963
Fax: +1 (949) 475-2503
20371 Irvine Ave Suite 200,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Main Line +1 (949) 251-0963
Fax: +1 (949) 475-2503